SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities)

Dunstable Icknield Lower School provides 3 different stages of SEN support:

SEN Support Stage 1 

Your child is receiving extra intervention to help them achieve their expected level in school.

SEN Support Stage 2 

Your child has an outside agency working with them e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapist etc. currently or within the last 6 months.

Education, Health and Care Plan 

Your child has been identified as having needs that require extra help across the curriculum. They will be entitled to additional adult support for their learning and their teachers will adapt work to meet their needs.

SEND Support Brochure

Annual SEND Information Report 2024-2025

What can I expect if I send my child to Dunstable Icknield Lower School?

At DILS we set out to help every child make the most of their potential. Teachers meet with parents to discuss any concerns that may arise about their child and consider how best to help and support the child’s needs.

How does Dunstable Icknield Lower School organise support for children with SEN?

Miss Linton is the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). The role involves working with teaching staff to support children’s particular needs, advising on any particular strategies to implement in class and if necessary referring to any organisations outside of school that may be able to offer specialist support.

The SENCo can be contacted via the school office on

01582 663709


What happens if my child had a high level of need?

The class teacher and Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) will work with you from the start to make sure that the necessary support is in place. Our standard assessment procedures will be used to see if the support is working and adjust it as necessary. Targets which fall outside of our normal assessment for learning processes will be judged by the teacher in consultation with the parents. Depending on the level and type of need required, there may be additional adult support for your child in the classroom.

How will I be informed about my child's progress in school?

In addition to the two Parent Consultation meetings per year, parents are invited to reviews of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or SEND support plan, usually one per term. If necessary, Icknield teaching staff will also arrange to meet with parents to discuss their children’s needs at a mutually agreeable time. Children with an Education and Health Care plan (EHCP) will have an Annual Review meeting once a year with the SENCo, parents, teachers and other professionals working with your child.

What if my child needs transport to and from school?

If your child has a statement of educational needs or an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), they may be entitled to a taxi or bus pass funded via the local authority.

How will my child's needs be met when it comes time to change school?

If your child is moving up within our partnership i.e. to Priory Academy, the transition arrangements will already be in place and you will be made a part of the arrangements from early in Year 4. DILS and Priory staff meet regularly throughout the year and transition arrangements form a part of these meetings. Additional transitions requirements are tailored to the individual child’s needs.

Where can I find out more?

For more information about support for families of children with a range of special needs and disabilities in Central Bedfordshire please see:

This sets out in one place what support and services are available for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Please also see: Central Bedfordshire's Special educational needs (SEN) parent, children and young person partnership service this is a statutory service, working at arm’s length from the authority and offers a free confidential support service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs.

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