Curriculum Overview

If you would like further information on the curriculum at Dunstable Icknield Lower School please arrange to speak to your child's class teacher or the Deputy Headteacher by calling the school office 01582 663709.


All subjects are taught following the national curriculum. RE (Religious Education)  follows the Central Bedfordshire agreed syllabus.  More detailed information on each curriculum subject can be found by clicking on the subject pages on the left.  

Dunstable Icknield Lower School’s curriculum offer aims to provide our children with a broad and balanced education, in line with the National Curriculum. Curriculum developments are monitored regularly by the Governing Board.

The Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are defined stages within the National Curriculum. All key stages are statutory. Dunstable Icknield Lower School covers the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Key Stage 1 and the early part of Key Stage 2, years three and four.


Key Stage


Early Years Foundation Stage


Key Stage 1


Key Stage 2


Key Stage 3


Key Stage 4


The following subjects are included in Key Stage 1 and in early Key Stage 2:

English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, Computing, Physical Education, Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education and Religious Education. The teaching of modern foreign languages is introduced in lower key stage two. 

We use the Little Wandle phonics and reading programme. More information can be found using the 'English' tab. 

We follow a creative curriculum and some subjects are taught through a cross-curricular approach to make learning more meaningful to children. We also offer enrichment activities throughout the year. Please see examples for this year below: 

DILS Enrichment Opportunities - 24/25

September - Read a Book Day, OPAL workshops, skipping workshop

October - Show Racism the Red Card, Y3 Evacuee Day, Y4 Roman day, Extra-curricular activities begin

November - FOILS Halloween disco, Remembrance Parade, Children in Need day, Y3 Cross-generational visit, Y4 Class assemblies, Torchlight Parade

December - KS2 Sports Competition, FOILS Christmas Fair, Whole School Christmas Concert

January - Health Living week, Bike It Breakfast, Live Pantomime, TT Rockstars, Y3 Faith tour, Y3 Class assemblies

February - E-safety day, Sports for Champions, 

March - World Book day, Science week, Year 2 whole school performance, Year 1 sharing assemblies 

April - World Autism Awareness day, Culture Day

May - Walk to School Week, Bike It Breakfast, yr 2 sharing assemblies

June - World Environment day, Art week,

July - Sports days, Y4 leavers assembly


Values Education

Each half-term we focus on a different value:



Our value is taught through: 

  • A whole school assembly
  • PSHE lesson
  • Whole school modelling, including posters
  • Weekly certificates
  • Whole school nominations at the end of the half term 

Our values programme enables strong relationships to be created with adults, peers and members of the school community. All members of our school community are encouraged to be reflective.

Curriculum Intent Statement

Primary National Curriculum

British Values at DILS

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