
All uniform and items brought into school should be clearly labelled with your child's name.  You can click on the link below to purchase name labels for your child.

My Name Tags name labels

Compulsory Uniform Items
Dunstable Icknield Lower School  107 Grey trousers / shorts / skirts / pinafores
Grey socks or tights
Red school V-neck jumper or cardigan or red sweatshirt all with DILS logo (available from BEST LOOK)
Nursery to Year 2 white button shirt with tie or white polo shirt (available from BEST LOOK with DILS logo)
Black, covered toe school shoes (not trainer style or boots)
DILS logo school book bag (available from BEST LOOK)


Optional Uniform Items
Red checked school summer dress (to be worn only after Easter break until October half-term break)
Religious observance items - head coverings (e.g.Hijabs, turbans), should be close-fitting, plain and white, red or grey only


Compulsory PE Kit
Dunstable Icknield Lower School  019 Black plain coloured PE shorts (no other colours or logos)
Black plain coloured jogging bottoms for colder weather (no other colours, patterns or logos)
Plain, round-neck T-shirt in house colour
Red sweatshirt with DILS logo (available from BEST LOOK)
Training shoes with Velcro fastening (unless your child can tie their own laces)
Red DILS logo PE bag for Year 4 only


Shoes for normal school wear should be flat and black.

We recognise that some young people with SEND require flexibility in the uniform as a reasonable adjustment to access the school environment. Reasonable adjustments need to be agreed with the SENCo.

All uniform items with a school logo can be purchased from Best Look - Best Look Dunstable.  Families eligible for free school meals are able to access support in purchasing uniform items.  Speak to the school office for more information.

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