Year 2 Rosen & Potter
Please see below for information on what your child is learning this term. You will also see that knowledge organisers are shared with you here, you may be unfamiliar with this so a brief description is given below:
A knowledge organiser is a single/double-sided document summarising the learning that will take place in that subject over the term. We aim to have a knowledge organiser for every subject so will be adding to the document regularly.
How teachers use it?
Teachers begin every lesson referring to the knowledge organiser. They will not tackle the whole document at the same time but may ask quick fire questions based on key knowledge learnt previously. This won't always be last week's lesson as remembering further back in time helps to aid memory.
How parents can use it?
You can check your child's learning using the knowledge organiser. Why not ask them what a word means or can they explain an area of learning in their own words. You may also want to look at new learning with your child, this is called pre teaching and is a great way to help children learn.
Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organiser